What are the main advantages of FRP?

Day: 2022-09-05 14:19:51   view: 4100   from:

1. Light weight, high strength
The relative density of FRP is 1. 5 ~ 2. Between 0, only 1/4~1/5 of carbon steel, but the tensile strength is close to, even more than carbon steel, and the specific strength can be compared with high-grade alloy steel.
2.Corrosion resistance
FRP IS A GOOD corrosion resistant material, and it has good resistance to the atmosphere, water and general concentration of acid, alkali, salt, as well as a variety of oils and solvents. Has been applied to various aspects of chemical corrosion, is replacing carbon steel, stainless steel, wood, non-ferrous metals, etc.
3. Good electrical
It is an excellent insulating material used to make insulators. It can still protect good dielectric property at high frequency.
Microwave transmittance is good and has been widely used in radome.
4. Heat resistant performance
The thermal conductivity of FRP is low and 1 at room temperature. 25 ~ 1. 67kJ/ (m· H ·K), only 1/100~1/1000 of metal, is an excellent insulation material.
5. Can design
① According to the need, flexible design of various structural products, to meet the requirements of use, can make the product has a good integrity.

② Material can be fully selected to meet the performance of the product,
6. Process fine
① According to the shape of the product, technical requirements, use and quantity to flexibly choose the forming process.
(2) The process is simple, can be a molding, the economic effect is outstanding, especially for the shape of complex, not easy to form the number of products, more prominent advantages of its process.

